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Historic Houses VI: Lower San Juan Neighborhood, Continued.

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Book cover of Historic Houses VI

Karen Bartholomew, Margaret L. McKinnon, eds.
Stanford Historical Society

Historic Houses VI focuses primarily on the lower San Juan subdivision and features 25 pre-1940 houses on Alvarado, Salvatierra, Coronado, Mayfield, and Frenchman’s Road.  In addition to discussing the architectural features of the houses and the lives of the owners, the book includes biographies of the architects featured in the book. ISBN: 978-0-9847958-0-2.

$24.95 + $6.00 shipping & handling fee + 2.82 sales tax (CA residents) per copy.

To order books, please send your request and check (payable to Stanford University) to Stanford Historical Society, PO Box 20028, Stanford, CA 94309. Shipping and handling fee will be waived if book orders are picked up on campus. Discount for bulk purchase is available. For more information, please call (650) 725-3332, or send e-mail to Limited copies are also on sale at the Stanford Bookstore.