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Historic Houses VII: South San Juan Neighborhood and Stock Farm

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Book cover of Historic Houses VII

Karen Bartholomew, Margaret L. McKinnon, eds.
Stanford Historical Society

The seventh and last volume in the Historic Houses series, Historic Houses VII continues the study of San Juan Hill houses, focusing on its lower southeast area to include houses along Gerona Road and what is now Junipero Serra Boulevard (formerly Foothill Road). Many of them were designed by architects Birge Clark and Charles Sumner in the 1920s and 1930s in styles that had proved popular among faculty members. It also examines Kingscote Gardens--until 2015 the oldest continuously occupied apartment building on campus--and the Searsville Block, a faculty-staff neighborhood on the west side of the main campus buildings. ISBN: 978-0-9847958-1-9.

$24.95 + $6.00 shipping & handling fee + 2.82 sales tax (CA residents) per copy.

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